Kali ini, sebuah komunitas CG (Computer Graphics) Indonesia, IDVN, mengadakan sebuah ajang bergengsi, yaitu IDVN Challenge 2009. Melalui ajang ini, bagi anda yang hobbi atau memang beraktivitas di bidang interior maupun arsitektur, khususnya mengenai CG (3d visual) bisa ikutan, dengan persyaratan yang cukup mudah. Hadiah nya juga menggiurkan lho. Untuk itu, ayo coba aja yuk ikut, disini bahkan kita bisa saling belajar bersama bagi anda yang masih baru masuk di dunia CG.
In this challlenge, members are required to create and render an interior scene based on the model provided.
Friday, 16 October 2009.
Final works must be submitted by midnight, Jakarta time. Late entries will be disqualified.
1. Challenge is open to all IDVN members and administrators.
2. The provided model must be part and the focus of the scene.
3. You may use any software and/or render engine.
4. You may add objects and/or refine the model to suit your need.
5. You may use any pre-made models and/or stock libraries to enhance your scene.
6. You may use post-processing software to enhance final renderings.
7. Lighting, Camera Angle, Finishing Materials and Environment (Set) are free for you to decide.
8. You are allowed to submit more than one image as your final.
9. You are required to post your progress along the way, at least a few to proof you made the scene yourself.
The resolution for your final rendering should not be less than 1024px at the shortest side. We however encourage you to render highest possible.
Concept, Aesthetic, Modelling/Texture/Lighting/Composition/Mood.
Final works will be judged 50% by Jury (Moderators) and 50% by Member Vote.
1st Winner
Digital Art Masters.
IDVN Challenge Award Badge.
2nd Winner
3DWorld Magazine (Latest Edition Available).
IDVN Challenge Award Badge.
3rd Winner
IDVN Challenge Award Badge.
To register and enter the challenge, create your own thread under IDVN Challenge 2009 forum with the following subject format:
[IDVN Challenge 2009] Username.
By dowloading and/or using the file (model) provided below and entering the challenge, you are agree:
1. All credit for the materials provided should go to the author of the model (Erfin Infitar) and IDVN.
2. You are free to post your final (and progress) images to other sites and/or forums, but you must link back to this site and/or challenge thread.
3. You are free to use your final images for your personal portfolio with appropriate credit to author and IDVN.
4. IDVN reserves the right to use and publish your final (and progress) images for our promotional purpose.
5. IDVN, its Founder and Administrators will not be responsible on the softwares, pre-made models and/or stock libraries used by its member in this competition.
3ds Max 2008 Format | Obj Format
Intinya, anda unduh / download object nya pada link diatas. Disitu anda akan menerima sebuah file, bangunan dengan interior yang masih kosong. Anda bebas berkarya dalam mengotak atik building tersebut, atur interior maupun exterior tergantung sisi mana yang anda ambil.
Source : IDVN.